Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 12- ( Chap.21) -BMW's Customer Relationship Management ( CRM )

In BMW the first approach into CRM was launched in 1999. It was the same at many other companies. It was mainly driven out of the IT community leveraging the new CRM applications and the call-in capabilities for enhanced business processes. As I said in the product concept chapter that BMW's success builds upon two major pillars, brand and products. One of the biggest challenges they have is: to convince the employees that they share knowledge. As you can guess, salespersons see customer knowledge as their personal assets.

Now, the company uses Siebel Automative as their CRM software. Siebel Systems, Inc., is a provider of business applications software, and it announced that "BMW North America Sales (BMWNA) and BMW Financial Services (BMWFS) have deployed Siebel Automotive in their contact centers to enhance the customer experience and increase customer loyalty and retention. BMW has also deployed functionality from Siebel Automotive's Customer- and Vehicle-Centric Service and Integrated Captive Finance solution sets, leveraging the Siebel Automotive embedded best-practice business processes, automotive industry functionality, and common customer infrastructure across business units." 
This system manage and leverages the core functionality : Siebel Sales, Siebel Service, Siebel Call Center, and related products, and builds upon it specific functionality that car companies require. 
Contact center representatives in both Sales and Financial Services now have full visibility into each customer's total relationship with BMW. A representative, for example, can see that a particular customer has more than one BMW product or perhaps has a banking relationship with BMW Financial Services. At the same time, BMW can maintain data confidentiality to meet legal requirements. As a result, customers are receiving more personalized service, resulting in enhanced customer relationships and increased loyalty. Going back to chapter 16, the task of promotion are: informing, persuading, and reminding the target customer about the products and services offered within the company, so with the appropriate IT and CRM application this task can be fulfill and bring tons of profit to the company. For example, according to Nicole Carusso, BMW of Manhattan Marketing Manager, "BMW use its CRM system and database to keep track of anything pending for a customer, supplier or partner. Calls to be made. Appointments scheduled. Forecasted sales. Potential opportunities. Outstanding quotes. Open service issues. This good CRM system has calendars, activity lists and forms so that this kind of information doesn’t fall through the cracks. It has reminders and automatic emails. It has the ability to schedule follow-ups for others in their company. Nothing gets forgotten."

