Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 4 (Chap.4)- BMW's Marketing Enviroment

The BMW Group regularly undertakes research into its customers' profiles looking at demographic criteria, such as age and sex, lifestyle, their views on motoring and the way in which they use their cars. The information is used across all areas of the business, from the design and development of the cars themselves, to the way BMW advertises its brands.
One thing all BMW customers have in common is their appreciation of driving fun and sporty, yet elegantly designed cars.
Within the BMW product range, we see various differences in their customers' profiles. For example, their  female customers tend to prefer open driving, reflected in a preference for the BMW 3 Series Convertible and BMW Z4.
The spaciousness and interior versatility of the BMW X Models, X3 and X5, attract modern families with children in their households (50%-60% having at least one child).
Customers of  their 3 Series and 5 Series Touring models are characterized by an active lifestyle, with an exceptionally high interest in outdoor activities, such as water sports, cycling and skiing.
Together with the Z4, the BMW 1 series shows the highest share of urban customers aged 39 years or younger (40%). This truly makes the BMW 1 series, not only in terms of its launch date, a young model in the BMW portfolio. 
The BMW Group faces few majors competitors like: Mercedes Benz, Audi, Jaguar, Porsche, and Lexus.


bellacollins said...

It's quite interesting to read about marketing environment. Also me and my friend went through various magazines and ad structures given in them. May be we are also planning to hire sms automotive for our company sales. We are working since few months as partners. All our decisions till date are fruitful. Hoping the same results now as well.
