Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 8- ( Chap. 17) -BMW’s Advertising and Public Relations

After we all saw the funny and attractive BMW commercial with Madonna, we deducted that BMW is a great advertiser  and that it actually has great ads. In this BMW’s ad,  the message that was sent to the audience is that BMW can buy this famous artist, Madonna, and make her look like an idiot. Not good for her, but good for the car reputation. BMW is a very expensive advertiser. This company invests in TV ads (branding campaigns and new car launches), radio, press (colored press such as; Vogue, lifestyle magazines, motoring publications, broadsheet newspapers and tabloid newspaper weekend), Outdoor campaigns, street sign posts., online advertising, cinema and digital. As I said in chapter 1 BMW white and blue logo is well known all around the world, and this is because the great delivery of its trademark logo and brand. There are some logos that reflect luxury, and BMW is one of this. In addition, BMW adverts  focus on BMW's brand values; however the way these are expressed evolves in response to economic, environmental and competitive changes. One thing that all BMW adverts have in common is that they focus entirely on the cars as we saw with the Madonna and James Brown Ads. One of the biggest actors in their commercial is Clive Owen, a famous English actor. BMW uses another flexible medium to communicate its message,the radio, and they use the voice of Will Layman, an American actor with a resonant voice that has narrated the PBS series Frontline. Advertising is of course part of the marketing concept. The delivery of its products and services makes BMW a multimillionaire company. I can surely say that the advertising has contributed to the customer purchasing decision or intentions. If you see their commercial twice, there is no way you don’t want to have their cars. They tend to be funny in most of their commercial because they already have the credibility in their image and positive power to do so. BMW is a well known brand, and it only needs to remind the customer to buy the excellent products.

I am glad to get this video ads a put it here as a example of what I just said above, so check you will enjoy it:
Do you understand the last video?
As a major public relation tool BMW uses new product publicity to establish their efficient-dynamics program , and to show how this car differentiate from other luxury cars . They use the media to create excitement to their customers. According to the MKGT book by Charles Lamb, he says that "For instance, BMW produced a mockumentary about a small German village attempting to launch a BMW 1 Series coupe across the Atlantic  to land to United States. The humorous film drew lots of attention on auto blogs and stayed popular even after BMW explained that is was an ad. " 

